Our approach to sustainability
As the world around us evolves, our businesses have a shared ambition to adapt our approach to protect our future success. We’re embedding sustainability thinking into every strategic decision and acting now on what we know needs to change.
Our approach to sustainability is based on three pillars.
We use the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to help inform our efforts and demonstrate our alignment with the global community to contribute positively to society. We have focused on four of the SDGs to shape our approach:

Reducing our carbon footprint
We’re implementing steps that minimise our material impacts on the environment, including progressively reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to reduce our contribution to climate change.

Giving our customers what they need
Our scientists and research teams are developing products that help our customers and end-users take steps to reduce their environmental footprints and promote good health and wellbeing.

Efficient and considerate use of resources
We’re challenging ourselves to use energy, water and raw materials efficiently and minimise our waste. Some of our businesses hold ISO 14001 (environmental management), a standard that shows these businesses manage their environmental responsibilities systematically and contribute to environmental sustainability.

Champion and promote sustainability
We embed sustainable thinking into our operations, decisions, products and culture. AB Enzymes holds ISO 26000 demonstrating commitment to responsibilities across a range of social matters and principles. For example, investing in scientists to allow them to think creatively about the big ideas and the small steps that will unlock a more sustainable future.
We maintain a series of policies to guide behaviour across the group.