2014 Interim Results Announcement

25 Apr 2014

Associated British Foods delivers 10% growth in earnings per share


Group revenue down 2% to £6,206m
Adjusted operating profit up 1% at £497m *
Adjusted profit before tax up 4% at £468m *
Adjusted earnings per share up 10% at 45.8p *
Dividend per share up 4% to 9.70p
Net debt £827m after net capital investment of £328m
Operating profit up 2% to £463m, profit before tax up 6% at £434m and basic earnings per share up 12% to 43.2p

* before amortisation of non-operating intangibles and profits less losses on the disposal of non-current assets

All figures stated after amortisation of non-operating intangibles, profits less losses on the disposal of non-current assets, and profits less losses on the sale and closure of businesses are shown on the face of the condensed consolidated income statement.

For further information please contact:

John Bason, Finance Director
Flic Howard-Allen, Head of External Affairs
Tel: 020 7399 6500